Thursday, October 18, 2012

Cold and Flu Tips

How to Beat This Years Cold and Flu Season

Welcome back to the AVAC Swim School blog.  I know that this is the not the continuation to my last blog, but I felt that this next post should cover an important issue that we will all face in the upcoming months. 

It is now October and it seems like the year is flying by.  Let’s all wave goodbye to summer as it goes into hibernation for the next several months and say hello to fall and winter!  What does this mean?  It means the cold and flu season is back to give us problems.  I can sit here and strongly tell you that I absolutely hate getting sick and I am sure that I am not the only person who feels this way.  Here is the good news. We can prevent ourselves and others from getting sick if we follow certain rules to help prevent the spread of germs. 

Suggestion 1:  Take the time to get you and your family their flu vaccines.  This is most important step to protecting you and your family against flu viruses.  The flu vaccine will protect you from the three most common flu viruses that research suggests to be most common this year.  This link will provide you with some information regarding those common viruses,

Anyone in your family 6 months and older should get their flu vaccination as it becomes available.  Also those who are at high risk should get their vaccination to decrease the risk of severe flu illness.  Those that are at high risk include anyone over the age of 65 years, children under 5, pregnant women and anyone with chronic health problems such as asthma, diabetes, or heart and lung disease.

Suggestion 2:  Take everyday precautions to help stop the spread of unwanted germs.  Cover your mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze and remember to throw the tissue in the garbage right away.  If a tissue isn’t readily available, use the crook of your arm as to not sneeze into your hand where you might touch a door knob or community property afterwards.  Avoid rubbing your eyes, nose and mouth as this is the fastest way to spread germs.   

Wash your hands as often as possible with soap or dry rub alcohol solution.  When washing with soap, remember to do a thorough job.  One suggestion is to sing the happy birthday song while scrubbing your hands.  This will give you plenty of time to scrub away those unwanted germs. 

The last suggestions I can leave you all with is if you feel like you or one of your family members is coming down with a cold or the flu try and limit contact with others to prevent spreading the infection.  Also remember that eating right and staying fit will keep your body healthy and boost your immune system.  

For those of you who have been following my posts thank you!  Please feel free to comment or leave any suggestions for upcoming topics.


From the desk and mind of Chris Cordova, be safe, respect water, and have fun!

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